Sunday, July 27, 2014

Final Seattle blog

Yesterday we finished with our last sports day camp. Lots of performances with the kids and instead of goodbyes some kids and their families are coming tonight to our community block party! Our youth went prayer walking and we went to the teen club center and served food. The adult team built a tool shed for the teen center as well as needed maintenance and landscaping. Essential church is being recognized throughout the community for the things that we have accomplished through Love Bellevue and with God mighty things have happened. One kid actually asked "Are you guys really Christians?" What an opportunity to speak of the name of Jesus and truth into his life. Today we will be getting prepared for the evening activities. As I have listened and heard us celebrate Christ, the reality is people in our own country haven't heard of the his first. What a privilege it has been to come thinking you are going to serve yet we are being served. Thank you for your realm of prayers.

Our team wrapped up Friday with a block party...with lots of people in attendance. There is a wrap up video on Facebook that has been shared by Carey Dyer and Shelley DeBusk where you can see lots of pictures from the week!

Time to head home!

1 Peter 3:15
"but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect"

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Seattle Wednesday Review

A rainy day in Seattle didn't stop us. With a change of plans this morning we were able to access the conference room to make evangelism snack bags to pass out and we have been successful in another sports camp day. The parents have told us that although they're happy about coming to play sports they are really happy to see their coaches(our youth)! God has been moving and many moments of encounters where the Gospel was spoke about. 'When you’re sitting across from someone and looking them in the face and they realize how far you’ve come to sit with them, they listen so intently because they may have never heard of Jesus before. You become so appreciative of your own life and opportunities.' Keep us in yo

ur prayers!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Seattle Day 2

Today has consisted of door to door contact, prayer walking and inviting locals to our block party this Friday. The diversity here is amazing. Seattle alone has 82 languages in the school districts. 82! So you can imagine the challenge of conversing with the locals. All of the youth have done such a good job catering to the young kids through the sports camp but also gaining a relationship with them. The community knows we are here and its such a blessing to recognize how God has been here this whole time. We are excited to be here and I can speak on behalf of us all that prayer is needed for opportunities to speak the name of Jesus.

We are headed off to the community free movie night to meet people and play with the children.

Monday, July 21, 2014


After flat tires, rope swings...changed gates and the Mark Weeks detours we finally arrived and have had the weekend to prepare for today! We are about to break out in different groups for the camps and have a big crowd registered. Pray that there will be opportunities as this is a different culture here. Only 4% are evangelical Christians.. and 10% are a part of some religion! So many of us were taken back as we are used to the bible belt south. It is a delicate balance of hosting a sports camp where it's restricted as to what conversations are allowed versus being here to spread the gospel so..there is prayer for opportunities. The spirt is knocking here:)