Friday, June 19, 2015

Malawi Mission Trip

The following is the recap from the mission team in Malawi! We have had some problems with the blog so we apologize for not posting these daily!

Day One
Greetings from Malawi! After a grueling 35 hours in the air, our team arrived in Salima at 0600 Sunday morning. We spent the morning in worship at the local Baptist church. After that we spent the day trying to adjust to Africa time. Today, the Medical Team served in the clinic. We saw children with Malaria, Mumps, and people of all ages with wounds. The Children’s and Women’s Ministry Teams were eager to help in the clinic by taking vital signs and dividing up prescription medications. Tomorrow all three teams will be in action in our various locations. It has definitely been an adventurous two days, complete with baboons, cars getting stuck in the sand, and Pastor Mark preaching to a chicken! We have enjoyed this time and look forward to continue serving God and the people of Malawi for the remainder of the week. Keep us and the people of Malawi in your prayers.

Malawi Day 2 and 3

We are all adjusting well to Malawi time. It is incredibly busy for us working in the medical clinic. Each practitioner is seeing 30-50 patients per day. The predominant diagnosis is Malaria. Also, we are seeing a lot of wounds, skin infections, and respiratory illnesses. It is overwhelming, but an incredible way to be the hands and feet of Jesus. All of our medical work here is definitely His work. 

VBS is going great!  The children enjoy our songs and learning our English names. They get a huge thrill from soccer balls, bubbles, and stickers. They love hearing us try and speak "Chichewa", which is their language. We are learning songs and new dance moves. It's a great time in the Lord for all of us. 

The women's ministry had a magical day when they washed the feet of the ladies at the church. The ladies enjoyed it so much and even cheered when it was announced what would be happening!  Their eyes lit up and they were so very grateful. The women's ministry team gave these women love, respect, and a feeling of beauty that they may not have otherwise received. What an amazing way to show these women the heart of Jesus. It was truly beautiful. 

Our teams in Malawi are beginning to wrap up our missions. The medical team has one more day in clinic. There is one more day of VBS. the women's ministry team has wrapped up their portion of the trip. It was an emotional moment for all. The ladies enjoyed their time with our LBC ministry team. I truly believe everyone was brought closer to the Lord. 

Tomorrow we will head out to a wildlife reserve and do some shopping before VBS in the afternoon. Saturday we get back on the plane for another 30+ hours of travel back to Texas and our loved ones. 

We have had some wonderful devotions lead by the members of our team. It has been quite an honor and privilege getting to know this wonderful group of people and helping each other serve the Lord. 

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